Thursday, 25 September 2014

Value proposition

The aim of this weeks meeting was to finish filling out the business model canvass and to prepare our presentation on Value Proposition.

We began our meeting by discussing the customer personas we decided on and by finalising our questions for our interviews with SME owners/decision makers.

The interview questions we decided on were;

·         How do you get more customers?
·         How do ensure consistent business?
·         What would help you get more customers?
·         How do you retain customers?
·         What is easier keeping existing/new customers?
·         Tell me about yours customers?
·         Who are they?
·         How much and how often do they spend?
·         What info do you use to make business decisions?
·         What could help you make better business decisions?

We also decided that we would interview from a wide stretch of industries. This would give us a chance to identify the change of needs across our customer archetypes so that we can augment our business model where necessary.

We then began to brainstorm brand names for the business. We wanted to incorporate data or analytics into the name. We also wanted something that was welcoming to business owners. We did not want anything that was too technical.

After the meeting we discovered that the brand name we chose was in fact already a company and we decided to choose Engage Digital as our working name which we can discuss in further meetings.
We finished filling out the business model canvass online

We delegated tasks to undertake interviews and to prepare presentation.
We then discovered that our business model canvass was overwritten on the online system we were working with –

We reminded ourselves by a mantra we need to work by to be successful – if you fail – fail fast. We failed to keep a backup for moving forward will back up everything.

Now it’s time to get out of the office – time to get stuck in and start probing our customers with questions.

We decide that our Value proposition is to provide SMEs with analysed data on their loyal customers to help them make better business decisions.

We we get a more detailed Value proposition once we have successfully completed our customer interviews. 

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